Friday, 29 October 2010


Conservative controlled Erewash Council is engaging in an asset stripping exercise and many areas of land that they own will be sold off. Local folk were shocked when the Council itself sought Planning Consent four four houses on the green area off College Street near the junction with Welbeck Road, Long Eaton. This included the chopping down of three trees.
However their own Planning Committee rejected the proposals. But will that save the trees? Residents need to be wary, nothing is safe in Tory Erewash.


A skateboard area dismantled by Tory Erewash Borough Council has still not found a home after several years. Young people are complaining about not having a venue in Kirk Hallam. Can anyone suggest a home for a new Skateboard facility in Kirk Hallam?  Surely it's time for EBC to get it's finger out.


I think it's about time we resurrected the idea of a new Long Eaton Station. The old one in the centre of the Town was shut years ago.
Our road links are second to none and an Airport just up the road gives global access. It's a pity about the A453 improvements being delayed which will contribute to on-costs by increasing congestion and continuing its high accident rate. If east-west links were improved it would certainly contribute to easing congestion on the M1 and boost the local economy. However a train Station serving the North of Long Eaton, Sandiacre and Stapleford would surely be cost effective. There is enough room where the old Stapleford and Sandiacre Station used to be to have a viable railway halt. Together with a long overdue Ilkeston Station we could ease road use and cut travelling times.

Monday, 18 October 2010



Cllr C Corbett the Erewash Con Leader is joining the Demolition Government in cutting Council jobs to save his own political skin. He claims he can cut Council Tax in the face of savage cuts in Government Revenue Grant. The Council has already increased car parking charges by 200% during their term in power and also charge a "bin tax" for a recycling bin. They abolished the Councils pest control service and charges for Leisure Centres are already pricing people out, so income is actually falling. What will get the chop this time? Corbett's Crazy Cuts are on the way.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010


It finally looks like the end of the Long Eaton Stadium saga. Detailed planning consent has been given for housing to use most of the site with an area of open space next to Brooklands School. The move has been hailed as a victory by some and a loss by others.
I personally am saddened that a part of Long Eaton history and a nationally known facility has now gone. It needed a friendly purchaser to take the site or Erewash Council to buy it in order to secure it all for the Town.
When I was a lad in Nottingham the only reason I had heard of Long Eaton was because of the Stadium. My first visit there was to the Bomber Racing, is was great fun. I had seen nothing like it before. The noise, the excitement, the atmosphere, it was electric. It enabled people to let off steam and share an event which was memorable and significant. The second time I went it was to see the Speedway. More classy than Bomber Racing with a fanatical following of all ages. Exhilarating, great to watch with an international dimension which it is hard to see Long Eaton ever getting back.
RIP Long Eaton Stadium.

Monday, 11 October 2010


Nearly everybody has jumped on the bandwagon of Erewash Labour Group's campaign to get back a railway station in Ilkeston. Even the Tory M.P. says she is in favour! Which is a bit like a cat joining the RSPB. Erewash Council, which put several million pounds into Parish Councils, has put virtually nothing towards getting a station back. It's very sad that Erewash Tories lack ambition, vision and initative, which has resulted in Erewash being very vulnerable to recession. A station would cut road traffic and help employment. The sooner it happens the better.

Friday, 8 October 2010


One of Cameron's crazy cuts is to turn out street lights in the late evening. Their stooges on local Councils are even trying to sell it as an environmental move. However the home insurance sellers will soon cash in by charging more for home cover in areas where street lights are turned off. Insurers are quite aware of the higher risk of crime in unlit streets.
The sad thing is many Councils will be forced by reductions in funding to cut across the whole range of services, including street lighting, despite knowing that greater costs will be be borne indirectly by the public.