Monday 16 May 2011



During the Borough elections Margaret and I were driving down a side street in our Ward when we were amazed to see a Rottweiler pottering along. Sniffing all the latest news from the street as you do, when you're a dog. It was being tailed by a Police Patrol car, at a respectful distance. I didn't know where the dog was from but the Police seemed to have taken the lead, so I left them to it. I've been bitten too many times, usually when electioneering. The last bite, which was last year, I can feel in frosty weather still.


  1. oor Rottweiler 's , they do get bad press.

    Ask many vets for the dogs they are most weary of and they will probably say …......... Collies. That may surprise you but I can understand why..

    The only time I have ever been bitten ( about 4” long ) was by my ex wife's smooth coated Blue Murle Collie. The bite was the result of a misunderstanding. I used to go for a walk across the fields with our other dogs and the routine was always the same, come back from the walk, the collie would go into his kennel, pop his head out again and on would go his roam chain onto his collar. Unfortunately someone had put a few dog biscuits for him in his kennel and he thought I was after them ( I only like the red ones ). Dogs cant talk but you could see in his face he was very sorry.

    As I said at the start Rottweiler 's get bad press , but it's not the dogs who at fault but the owners or as I call them 'keepers'. Dogs are not to used like a weapon, child or a fashion accessory, treated well and with due respect they will provide companionship and security to all the family for very little in real terms in return.

    I do hope your 'News' hound made it back to his owner OK.

  2. I was once bitten by a Collie myself. As I walked down this drive to deliver a leaflet the Collie circled me and bit me on the heel. Which was bad enough but when I went back up the drive I noticed the letter box was in the hedge by the gate. So my trip was unnecessary. I felt a bit of a (sore) heel.

  3. But Howard that's WHY the letter box was in the hedge.

    It's when dogs 'hunt' in 2's that's when real problems start. Nornal to have large and small dog together. While your attention is on large dog small one sneaks up on you and bites.
