Saturday, 5 February 2011


At a Security Conference in Munich this week David Cameron attacked "softies" blaming them for the rise in terrorism. This is playing dog whistle politics. With his Poll ratings plummeting it seems a blatant attempt to appeal to prejudice rather than to reason. Trying to look tough on extremism whilst at the same time forcing cuts in the Police across Britain. Cuts which will make it seem more likely that the tiny minority of extremist minded people will perpetrate outrages, the only purpose of which is to get the sort of coverage David Cameron has handed to them on a plate.
These latest outbursts are desperate measures by a desperate man. What is insulting is that Muslim immigrants tend to be the most law abiding group in British Society. Whilst many people have tried to build bridges Cameron has stuck his size 10's into a vulnerable group who in many cases feel under threat by extremists themselves. In stead of the hand of friendship, Cameron's comments must have seemed like a slap across the face to many people. Mr Cameron should resist the dog whistle style politics and treat people properly. The British way should be fair play and tolerance, not prejudice and bias. It is a sad day for Britain when a Prime Minister has to sink to the gutter to get headlines.


  1. Yep - the Tory Boy along with Baroness Warsi and School Mam Teresa May are constantly talking down to the massess from their moral high ground when they are the ones smashing up our services and telling lies and conning us. Aint nothing worse than our "leaders", telling us off all the time and labelling us and showing their moral outrage at our behaviour when we dare to protest. No wonder those like the English Defence League get fed up of being criminalised for trying to be proud to be English and a telling off from millionaire toffs lording it over us is bound to enrage them even more. Do one, Cameron!

  2. For the most part it's only the 'Big Guns' of a political party who get the headlines, unless they do something naughty and worst still get caught. Have MP's ever thought about making headlines by doing something sensible ? NO ! Why ? because they would be considered weak !

    To be fair to DC he is trying his best … but his best is nowhere near good enough.

    YES we do need strong leadership, YES we do need to make cuts, but why bash the very people who he says he is trying to help ?

    The Tory / Lib Dens now remind me of lemmings rushing towards the cliff, the problem is we are being carried along with them.
