Wednesday, 16 March 2011


At the last Erewash Full Council meeting I moved a proposal to oppose cuts to Derbyshire Police. It was blocked by the Conservative Group who for years have claimed to support law and order but are now scared to buck the Party line. For years some of these same people have claimed to want more Police. Now they had the chance to stand up for Erewash and they completely bottled it. Not one had the guts to speak out against the reduction in our Police.
These cuts are economic and social madness. Crime will rise and local people will pay the price. Instead of saving money these cuts will actually cost the public more.
The last Conservative Government had no answer to rising crime. Margaret Thatcher put it down to "evil people". Well that was helpful! Tony Blair hit the nail on the head with his promise to "cut crime and cut the causes of crime" and he kept his promise.
I don't remember this Government ever seeking a mandate to cut our Police. Someone show me anywhere in the LibDem or Tory propaganda where it ever suggested cuts to law and order. They have no mandate. These cuts make no sense. They are a betrayal of the public, the Police and will throw away the legacy of falling crime levels. Robert Peel must be spinning in his grave.

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