Friday, 28 October 2011


Erewash have quietly slipped on to their web-site a questionnaire about the review of the Corporate Plan. If you live, work or play in Erewash your views should count. Now is your chance to have your say in what the Council does over the next few years.

Basically the plan should describe three things. 

  • Where we are.
  • Where do we want to go?
  •  How are we going to get there?
I believe the Council should work much harder on behalf of the Public and to that end I want to encourage people to make their views known. Individuals, employees. organisations, businesses and campaign groups should put their points of view. Don't be constrained by the draft proposals or the previous plan. What should Erewash really be doing for you and your community?

This is your chance to make the Council work for you by helping shape the Corporate Plan. Don't miss this golden opportunity to have your say.

Saturday, 15 October 2011


With thousands of Erewash people out of work the local Council has failed to fill the vacant post of The Economic Development Officer.  When I say "The", I mean exactly that. Erewash has only one post dedicated to Economic Development, which has been left vacant. At a recent meeting with senior Officers of the Authority I pressed home the case for beefing up the Council's role in creating jobs. In the past they have been reactive, rather than proactive, about boosting the local economy. My recent inquiries have shown how little knowledge they possess of even a major project like the Ilkeston Railway Station.
How can the Council expect one Officer to deal with.....  

  •  redeveloping Albion Centre area at Ilkeston, 
  • redeveloping the Beaconsfield Street car park area at Long Eaton,
  •  encourage, advise and help businesses relocating to Erewash,
  • and keep up to speed on major projects like Ilkeston  Station?

Leaving the post vacant is purely dotty and not strengthening the function considerably would be setting someone up to fail. Erewash need to start being effective on economic development issues for all our sakes. Action is needed right speedily. I say to Erewash Tories stop playing Politics and start creating jobs in Erewash. Start putting people first.

Friday, 14 October 2011


Last night at the Full Council meeting I proposed a Motion to Erewash Borough Council that they confirm their support for a new Ilkeston Station and asking them to commit "sufficient" funds to the project. As expected the Tories couldn't swallow the idea of allocating funds so they deleted the funding bit of the Motion. But they at least continue to pay lip service to the idea of a new Station at Ilkeston. Despite it being a component of their Economic Development Plan and their Corporate Plan not one pound is in the Budget for the Station. To top it all the Tories seemed to be utterly ignorant of the details of the Station. Cllr Smith under whose "Portfolio" the project comes stated that the Station would cost £7 million. In a recent report to Derbyshire County Council their Officers estimated £4.5 to £5 million.
This is such a key component of the regeneration of Ilkeston that it is essential that progress is made now. Erewash are sleep walking regarding the Station they haven't a clue on either the costs, design or even the site. I believe much more pressure needs to be put on both Derbyshire and Erewash Council's to get tangible proposals in place.
The Erewash Tories will have to do more than issue Press Releases supporting the Station. Eventually public pressure will force them into a U-turn on funding. They can either come to that conclusion sooner or later, but they'll get there in the end.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Before the Tory Party Conference Eric Pickles announced a £250,000,000 gift to Council's that want to provide or retain a weekly residual waste collection. Whilst many Council's have striven to encourage the reduction in waste sent to landfill, this move goes in the opposite direction. What Council's really need is help with reducing waste, reducing landfill and developing markets for recycled materials. Locally we need investment in the development and running of processing facilities to recycle things, for instance,  kitchen waste, which can make up as much 5% of residual waste. More local processing facilities could save travel times for refuse vehicles making collection more efficient. Refuse lorries use Diesel at the rate of between 3 to 5 MPG. 
What I want is more recycled waste, not recycled Tory policies. Give us the money by all means, but let us use it to cut waste not dump it.  


West Park's Bandstand was presented by the Long Eaton Co-op to the Town of Long Eaton in 1935. It's now hard to appreciate how much the Co-operative Movement played in the history of Long Eaton. Many local buildings were commissioned by the Long Eaton Co-operative Society. Included amongst them was "People's Hall" situated at the junction of Main Street and Station Street. As well as everything from a Bakery to a Slaughter House they also built hundreds of houses. One road, not surprisingly, was called Cooperative Street. Although subsumed into the Greater Nottingham Coop the retail side still serves Long Eaton well.
The Bandstand on West Park is a small reminder of the hey day of the Long Eaton Coop. Therefore I find it sad to see the state of it now. It was last painted about ten years ago when Labour was in control of Erewash. It now looks sad and dilapidated. Several of the ceiling boards are damaged and the paint is peeling off. This piece of Long Eaton's heritage is much in need of some tender loving care. But will it get it?

Monday, 3 October 2011


 I have asked Derbyshire County Council to repair portions of Quarry Hill Road at Ilkeston. Along many stretches the edges have collapsed and have just been crudely repaired leading to further collapse. This road is inadequate for both the volume and size of vehicles using it and a major remodelling is required to the local road network to provide realistic and safe routes around the Stanton site. Quarry Hill is being pounded to death and to add insult to injury maintenance has been inadequate and downright dangerous. Cyclists take their life in their hands using this route and as the darker nights arrive the danger will increase. I am calling on Derbyshire to do their job properly before someone gets killed by their incompetence.

Sunday, 2 October 2011


Tarn the Terrier sniffed out this symptom of the sort of junk culture which costs Councils million of pounds in clean up costs each year. Even though a litter bin was less than thirty yards away, some careless dope dropped these junk food wrappers on the highway. Junk food goes along with junk culture and MacDonald's wrappers seem to figure highly in the litter problem. They need to get the message to their customers to use the litter bins, not the street to dump their litter.