Erewash have quietly slipped on to their web-site a questionnaire about the review of the Corporate Plan. If you live, work or play in Erewash your views should count. Now is your chance to have your say in what the Council does over the next few years.
Basically the plan should describe three things.
- Where we are.
- Where do we want to go?
- How are we going to get there?
I believe the Council should work much harder on behalf of the Public and to that end I want to encourage people to make their views known. Individuals, employees. organisations, businesses and campaign groups should put their points of view. Don't be constrained by the draft proposals or the previous plan. What should Erewash really be doing for you and your community?
This is your chance to make the Council work for you by helping shape the Corporate Plan. Don't miss this golden opportunity to have your say.