Friday, 31 December 2010


In 2011 many of us will have the opportunity to make a difference. When the real effects of the cut backs in Government spending start to bite politics will be fast and furious. We are due for an economic and political roller coaster ride during the year. The idea that private sector jobs will replace lost public sector jobs will be zapped on the head no doubt. Although I must concede that by cutting law enforcement that will undoubtedly lead to more activity in the "private sector".  Crime will rise and the Police's ability to respond will be curtailed. Most crime takes place in town centres and in poorer areas where people can least afford it and are most vulnerable. That's why a caring Council would not stand idly by whilst the Police face cuts in their budget. 
The following is an example of what can be achieved by a Borough Council. When Labour was  in control of Erewash we were able to improve lighting to car parks and black spot areas where lighting was inadequate. We introduced town centre wide CCTV systems to both Long Eaton and Ilkeston. Borough Tories were saying "What's crime got to do with us." but we acted and the Towns were safer and better places for people and businesses as a result.  Labour believe it is not good enough just to wring hands. Action by Councils is possible, necessary and cost effective. In the case of CCTV it has paid for itself over and over again.
Locally in Erewash change is necessary and achievable. The Borough should be focusing   on economic development. That should be in its widest sense. Educational achievement, training, transport infrastructure and creating a environment that attracts jobs should be top of our priorities. In the past under the Conservatives Erewash has become inward looking and self serving. Tory Erewash operates in a vacuum, under achieves and lacks ambition and direction. 
I want to put the heart back into Erewash and create a vibrant go ahead Borough in which people want to work, live and relax. A place were good things happen and where we are renowned for achievement and innovation.  I want an Erewash that is on the side of the public not on its back. Progress by endeavour, not just managing decline as at present.
Local Councils can make a real difference to communities. Politics isn't just about what this or that person said in the mass media. It's what you do that matters. You can be a player not just a spectator. You can help your area to be fairer, greener and safer. You can help make a Council that scares into a Council that cares.
Year 2011 could be a year for real change in Erewash. Make it a good one. Make it a Labour one.

Monday, 27 December 2010


How right the Queen was to highlight sport in her 2010 speech to the Nation. It's a nice thought that even in the rarefied atmosphere inhabited by Royalty the benefits of sport have not been missed. It's a pity it is lost on Cameron and Clegg. Whether you are Royalist or not, the fact that she has again put the Royal seal of approval on sport will be significant. Many people who hang on her every word will be even more uncomfortable about the Coalition's attack on sports funding, particularly that affecting Schools.
Despite the partial U-turn on funding for School Sport Partnership's. That is just a step back from the brink; not a complete conversion. The Coalition's cuts will also force many schools in Britain to make cuts in resources devoted to sport in Schools, Colleges and Universities. Local Authorities will also be forced to close, reduce and neglect existing sports and play provision. Reducing considerably the opportunities for sport nationwide.
Cameron and Clegg are out of touch and notwithstanding several changes of heart recently I believe their "Poll Tax Moment"  is yet to come.
People talk about cuts as if the effects are already with us, that is far from the case. Sport in particular will still remain a front line victim of the Coalitions ideological warfare until we make the U-turns into a fully fledged rout.
Opinion polls may now favour progressive politics. Many people already realise the budget cuts are too fast, too early and motivated by political spite not economic necessity. However the only polls that matter are at the ballot box. When Tory and Lib-Dem candidates get harangued on the doorstep and pilloried at the polls then that will signal the beginning of the end of the Coalition. Let us all help bring that about not as spectators but as players.
Happy new year to you all.

Wednesday, 22 December 2010


I believe Vince Cable should certainly have been sacked over the revelations made by a whistle blower. After showing such bad judgement how long can he survive? What does this say about Cameron's own judgement? Why has he  been left in position after espousing views about a potential BskyB bidder which were prejudicial to say the least? 
Notwithstanding the quality of some of the Murdoch empires output. The buyer has a choice and without Murdoch rattling so many cages the worlds media business would arguably be less varied and challenging. If you don't like Murdoch don't buy his output. To use a political position in a such prejudiced way makes a meal for lawyers and damages our image with the rest of the world. Investment from the rest of the world is always important to bringing jobs to the UK. Surely we should always endeavour to play with a straight deck. Sacking Cable would send a clear message that we expect people and organisations to be treated fairly no matter whether their names are, Mud or Murdoch. 

Tuesday, 21 December 2010


It was said how lazy the Tories were in opposition and nothing shows it up better than the fiasco over the Schools Sports Partnership. Out of touch or what! Now Michael Gove has "found" some money to continue the program in a reduced form to buy off hostility from some very vocal quarters. With the Olympics coming up in London what a time to demoralise the sporting fraternity. Cameron said to Parliament that the program wasn't working. He has now made one of the biggest climb downs ever.
What is frustrating to me is how getting people into sport has so many social benefits. Surely we should have a political consensus by now. Sport helps promote a happier healthier society and is also cost effective.
Long Eaton's Leisure Centre
I always remember the tale I was told about young lad who volunteered to fight in the Great War. He was the most reluctant amongst a group of four friends. But he went along to sign up and all four had a medical and but only he passed. Out of four lads only one was fit to die. Fortunately he lived to tell the tale despite a bayonet in the guts whilst he was hanging helpless on barbed wire, waist deep in cold water. That was one story amongst millions showing the monstrous toll of ill health due to poor diet, bad housing conditions, poor wages and poor health care. Until soldiers were needed the "born to rule" fraternity never gave a second thought to the general population. In fact after the Great War they were trying their hardest to turn the clock back. They wanted cheap labour and plenty of it.
Can you see a similarity with the present incumbents in Government? Cut public services to make room for tax cuts for the rich. Bugger you Jack I'm alright is and always has been their philosophy. 
Sport isn't the only factor but it is vitally important to the Nations health. If you believe as I do that societies compete not economies then surely a nations health is a prime responsibility of Government. Cameron is failing the Nation when he downgrades the importance of Britain's health.
Locally what is the future for sport. Will sports centres be closed or opening times reduced? So far no consultation appears to be taking place over the Erewash budget despite the financial settlement being announced some time ago. Watch this space.

Monday, 20 December 2010


Margaret and I attended a lovely panto performance by Long Eaton's Brackenfield school held this week at May Hall courtesy of Trent College. They did a wonderful pantomime to a large audience. The children performed Dick Whittington. The cat stole the show with a confident display of acting. The audience had as good a time as the kids judging by the spontaneous applause and the rousing reception at the end. A good start to Christmas celebrations for all concerned. Well done Brackenfield.

Sunday, 19 December 2010


 A railway wagon placed on a traffic island in Ilkeston to celebrate Erewash heritage has been left to rot by Tory run Erewash Borough Council. All the wagon needed was some tender loving care but now it has rotted and needs a major renovation. Labour have tried to force the Council to act but still the Tories have dragged their feet. Meanwhile this reminder of Erewash's industrial past is fading away.
The Council shows a blatant contempt for Ilkeston and the state of this wagon is a graphic example of why Erewash needs to be wrested from the strangling grip of Erewash Conservatives.

Saturday, 18 December 2010


Whilst observing one of the C.C.T.V. cameras in Ilkeston recently I noticed that three out of four preset positions was pointing up into the blue yonder. Perhaps they were searching for Santa. But maybe Christmas is coming early for criminals with the Conservatives. What with the Home Secretary cutting Police numbers and Ken Clarke letting convicts out early, even the Ilkeston cameras are turning a blind eye! No cameras to watch them, no Police to catch them, no courts to try them and no prisons to put them in.  All this from the Erewash Tory Party, the Party of lawlessness and utter disorder.

Friday, 17 December 2010


Erewash Tories recently blocked moves by the Erewash Labour Group to begin progressing towards Town Council's for our two Towns. Their main argument being that it would be too expensive. But at the same time their own Government were trumpeting that local people including Parish Councils will get extra powers. Erewash Conservatives don't appear to believe in localism for Long Eaton and Ilkeston. But it's OK for Parish Councils. Surely some inconsistency here.
As a consequence of the refusal, on financial grounds, to progress towards letting local people decide whether they wanted Town Councils or not, the Labour Group decided to look at Parish finances. In particular that element paid directly out of Erewash coffers. It was timely because national Government were about to bleed Councils dry by cutting revenue support massively. The Tories had plenty of time to "declare an interest" bearing in mind eighteen of them are Parish Councillors. But no, they voted en bloc to defer discussion until the debate on the full budget. Without any formal declarations of interests! 
However some Labour Members have demanded an Extraordinary Full Council to try to force the Tories to discuss Parish funding. The meeting will be held on Thursday 27th January at Ilkeston Town Hall at 7.00 p.m. A good attendance by the public would be much appreciated.

Thursday, 16 December 2010


Ever since the Royal duo Charles and Camilla got caught up in the student demo against tuition fees I've been wondering how the media would have reacted to the same situation under a Labour Government. The least reaction would have been a campaign to oust the Home Secretary and if the Met Chief Constable was to the Left of Enoch Powell he would have had his career, private life and method of eating asparagus minutely criticised. He would be lucky to escape with his pension intact. The preposterous Government reaction excusing the incident was blindly excepted by the media like a dustbin swallowing rubbish. I cannot believe the situation Charles and Camilla were put in and the subsequent pathetic response from the British media. Surely security needs to be tightened and the Home Secretary needs to carry the can. This embarrassing incident shouldn't be so easily brushed aside by the huffing and puffing about student behaviour by the P.M. Mr Cameron. Home Secretary Theresa May should walk or be sacked.  

Wednesday, 15 December 2010


Somethings never change do they? Riots, rising unemployment, cuts in local services.  Tory leopards just don't change their spots. However economic policies without social justice just don't work. Unemployment, under employment and lower wages result from such policies. The north south divide which the previous Government tried to heal, will now start to grow again. Low wages and an under skilled workforce do not make us more competitive. They create a downward spiral.
Mrs Thatcher had North Sea oil revenues and the "Sale of the Century" of public assets to keep her head above water. She faced strikes and riots and wasted billions of pounds in an ideological battle which still leaves unhealed scars today. She lacked a progressive social dimension to her vision. "There is no such thing as Society" she claimed. Now "the sons of Thatcher" say there is a Big Society ready to leap to the rescue where the state deserts the field. Can they really be as deluded as Thatcher? Well yes they can. Soon the only growth area will be broken promises.
I firmly believe that it is societies that compete not economies. After a decade of progress we will now see it chucked away by the same outdated, failed fatuous fake policies based on social prejudice and smug self satisfied outlooks that are doomed to fail in the end. It's sad to see the damage being done again with a rerun of previous Tory Governments. Brace yourselves it's going to be a rough ride.
The Liberal Democrat Party are most likely in for a rougher time than most and would do well to remember the India proverb. "He who rides a tiger can never dismount".

Monday, 6 December 2010


Make Erewash Streets Safe.
Don't you just love Erewash Tories. Whilst cutting the dog waste bags to "save" money at Erewash Borough Council some of the same Tories are providing bags for their residents through their role as Parish Councillors. If you live in Breaston or Draycott you can still get free bags but not if you live in Long Eaton or Ilkeston. Is this a case of double standards?
Dog mess is still a big issue in Erewash and we seem to be experiencing a worsening situation. I would like to see the reintroduction of free dog waste bags throughout Erewash and more action against miscreants by Neighbourhood Wardens.

Friday, 3 December 2010


The reaction from the England bid boss Andy Anson appears to me to be going over the top. Why couldn't he just accept the verdict gracefully. Perhaps he should take a tip from cricket and just "walk". All this recrimination and bitterness does England's reputation no credit at all. Surely we should congratulate the winners and look forward to a good World Cup in Russia. I would have loved to see the Cup come to England, but I can also see distinct advantages for world football in an Eastern European country being the Hosts next time. Someone please ask Andy to retire gracefully. He did his best and as in football the best team doesn't always win.

Thursday, 2 December 2010


A much improved planning application was approved yesterday for the old Petersham Hotel site. The Erewash Planning Committee having voted against the previous proposal on design grounds had a much improved plan submitted which if built should be a credit to the area. This prominent site is close to shops, the Community Centre and the new play cage on the Green. It's ideal for housing. The previous application found the support of the Tory Councillor Gary Hickton, what a  Philistine! Fortunately he lost the vote and this much more acceptable application was forthcoming.