Somethings never change do they? Riots, rising unemployment, cuts in local services. Tory leopards just don't change their spots. However economic policies without social justice just don't work. Unemployment, under employment and lower wages result from such policies. The north south divide which the previous Government tried to heal, will now start to grow again. Low wages and an under skilled workforce do not make us more competitive. They create a downward spiral.
Mrs Thatcher had North Sea oil revenues and the "Sale of the Century" of public assets to keep her head above water. She faced strikes and riots and wasted billions of pounds in an ideological battle which still leaves unhealed scars today. She lacked a progressive social dimension to her vision. "There is no such thing as Society" she claimed. Now "the sons of Thatcher" say there is a Big Society ready to leap to the rescue where the state deserts the field. Can they really be as deluded as Thatcher? Well yes they can. Soon the only growth area will be broken promises.
I firmly believe that it is societies that compete not economies. After a decade of progress we will now see it chucked away by the same outdated, failed fatuous fake policies based on social prejudice and smug self satisfied outlooks that are doomed to fail in the end. It's sad to see the damage being done again with a rerun of previous Tory Governments. Brace yourselves it's going to be a rough ride.
The Liberal Democrat Party are most likely in for a rougher time than most and would do well to remember the India proverb. "He who rides a tiger can never dismount".
Absolutely, Howard! This is a dangerous ideological experiment. Right wing regimes have done the same in the past - look at Hitler - he got to power because the left were divided, there was a crisis and people were easily convinced by the propaganda. This Con Dem govt. are getting away with bringing in ideological approaches by messing with the heads of the masses, conning them that there is "no choice" because of the "deficit" (which is a myth and a con trick). Governments can always do this when countries are in a bit of chaos by praying on frightened people. The smashing up of our public services our welfare state and the NHS is occuring by these tricksters and like Nazi Germany, they are creating myths about the unemployed and the disabled being "scroungers" and are allowing local authorities to kill off publically-funded and publically-provided services like social care under the guess of "progressive" Personalisation and Personal Budget agendas and thinking its okay to persecute them because they are a "cost Pressure" and the "case load is too expensive. Well, sorry chaps, but disability doesn't just go away just because you have decided to save 20% on the Disability Living Allowance. This is war!