Friday, 31 December 2010


In 2011 many of us will have the opportunity to make a difference. When the real effects of the cut backs in Government spending start to bite politics will be fast and furious. We are due for an economic and political roller coaster ride during the year. The idea that private sector jobs will replace lost public sector jobs will be zapped on the head no doubt. Although I must concede that by cutting law enforcement that will undoubtedly lead to more activity in the "private sector".  Crime will rise and the Police's ability to respond will be curtailed. Most crime takes place in town centres and in poorer areas where people can least afford it and are most vulnerable. That's why a caring Council would not stand idly by whilst the Police face cuts in their budget. 
The following is an example of what can be achieved by a Borough Council. When Labour was  in control of Erewash we were able to improve lighting to car parks and black spot areas where lighting was inadequate. We introduced town centre wide CCTV systems to both Long Eaton and Ilkeston. Borough Tories were saying "What's crime got to do with us." but we acted and the Towns were safer and better places for people and businesses as a result.  Labour believe it is not good enough just to wring hands. Action by Councils is possible, necessary and cost effective. In the case of CCTV it has paid for itself over and over again.
Locally in Erewash change is necessary and achievable. The Borough should be focusing   on economic development. That should be in its widest sense. Educational achievement, training, transport infrastructure and creating a environment that attracts jobs should be top of our priorities. In the past under the Conservatives Erewash has become inward looking and self serving. Tory Erewash operates in a vacuum, under achieves and lacks ambition and direction. 
I want to put the heart back into Erewash and create a vibrant go ahead Borough in which people want to work, live and relax. A place were good things happen and where we are renowned for achievement and innovation.  I want an Erewash that is on the side of the public not on its back. Progress by endeavour, not just managing decline as at present.
Local Councils can make a real difference to communities. Politics isn't just about what this or that person said in the mass media. It's what you do that matters. You can be a player not just a spectator. You can help your area to be fairer, greener and safer. You can help make a Council that scares into a Council that cares.
Year 2011 could be a year for real change in Erewash. Make it a good one. Make it a Labour one.

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