Thursday, 31 March 2011


The Erewash Tories who seem to see sport as low priority have an even lower regard for the arts. Things happen in Erewash on the arts front in spite of the Council, not because of it. I believe Erewash needs to be more pro-active in encouraging the arts.
Take cinema in Erewash for example. The Council should be helping local venues to succeed. They not only provide jobs but also encourage creativity and foster culture. So, what is Erewash Council doing for Cinema? Absolutely nothing!
My tip for keeping Cinemas open in Erewash, is to actively support  them by helping with publicity and promotion.  Not by waiting until they are struggling, with hand wringing and weasel words when it's too late.

 I believe there is nothing like the thrill of seeing a new film or a golden oldie at a real cinema and it's even better, cheaper and greener if you can see it locally. Erewash is blessed with two Cinemas, the Scala at Ilkeston and the Galaxy at Long Eaton. The Scala has a portico so classical it has been used as a film set itself in the past. A real little treasure if ever there was one.
We have a dedicated local Film Society which could help keep cinema alive and kicking in Erewash. The Erewash Film Society has a helpful web-site and signing up may be a good idea for anyone with a more than passing interest in the cinematic arts.  They can be contacted at

Tuesday, 29 March 2011


My call for action to save Church Farm at Ockbrook has not gone unheeded. The Ockbrook and Borrowash Historical Society has started to gather a petition to push the Erewash Borough Council into a more proactive stance on the issue.
Church Farm a Grade 11 listed building which is in a derelict state. It is also part of the setting of All Saint's Church which makes it doubly important that the building is preserved.

Monday, 28 March 2011



Great fun at the launch of our manifesto in Borrowash on Sunday. The Chair of Erewash's Local Government Committee, Helen Clark started the proceedings out-lining the hard work done by the local Labour Party to gather opinions from up and down the Constituency to inform our manifesto. "People have told us what they want and we aim to deliver."
I did a "short" speech which ended in applause. Whether it was an expression of relief that I'd finished or out of appreciation for what I'd said I'm not quite sure. However I enjoyed it.
Delivery of leaflets is already well advanced and our campaign to retake Erewash is forgeing ahead.

Sunday, 27 March 2011



The Erewash Labour Party were out in force in London on Saturday to demonstrate their opposition to the Con-Dems callous cuts. Harriet Harman stopped to have her photograph taken with our own Clare Neill who is a candidate for Long Eaton Central in the Erewash Council elections on May 5th. Those that attended were inspired by the event and came back determined to do their best to oust the Tories and Liberals in Erewash.

Friday, 25 March 2011


 If you've ever wondered how your local heritage is looked after by Tory Erewash, just have a look at the Hoffman Kiln at the former Oakwell Brickworks in Ilkeston. The kiln was built sometime between 1899 and 1913 and has been redundant since 1966.
Owned by Tata Steel, which is a multi billion pound organisation, it is being left to rot. The kiln is one of about a dozen left in this Country. This building is part of both our local and also our National heritage  and because of its rarity it has been listed as Grade 11.
The kiln is hidden in a bosky glade and approaching it is almost like stumbling upon an Aztec Temple in a jungle. It is now protected by a high steel fence which rather ruins the effect, albeit it helps protect the edifice from vandals. What this bit of heritage needs however is restoration and expert attention. What it is receiving is total neglect by Erewash. Soon there may be nothing to save and another piece of our local history will bite the dust. RIP (Rust in peace.)

Thursday, 24 March 2011


 The latest Long Eaton Chronicle has run a story about the First World War flyer Albert Ball V.C. He met a tragic end being one of the millions of young people who lost their lives in the Great War. What the article didn't mention was that Albert had a Long Eaton connection in that he had been a pupil at Trent College, Derby Road, Long Eaton. If fact the College have some memorabilia, including a propeller from one of his planes a 60 Squadron Nieuport. 
Anyone who wants to find out more about this remarkable young man should read the brilliant book by Chaz Bowyer. It gives an account of his all too short life and it is published by Crecy Books.
A few years ago my wife Margaret and I went to Nova Scotia on holiday. Whale watching, moose spotting and soaking up local culture were our objectives. I had booked us in to see three plays at the Wolfville festival. One of which was "Billy Bishop Goes To War." A snappy title if ever I heard one.
Now Billy Bishop was a Canadian Air Ace who was a contemporary of Albert Ball. The play implied that Bishop had more of an eye to survival than Ball. In fact if that was his aim he succeeded because careful Billy died peacefully in his bed in 1956 having clocked up many more kills than Albert.
There is some lovely dialogue in the Play in which Albert outlines his idea of overflying the German air base and shooting down the enemy planes as they tried to take off. Billy enquired how would they get back? Albert's surprised reply was something like "I don't think you understand me Bishop." Funnily enough after Albert's death Billy, despite his earlier reservations, did successfully carry out Albert's plan downing several enemy aircraft.
Billy went on to become an Air Marshall, serving in the Second World War.

Tuesday, 22 March 2011



I had to laugh when I heard that the Government were setting up a central "Pothole Fund." After slashing Council and Highways Agency budgets they have decided to set up this pot for potholes. How it will be distributed is not fully explained and how it squares with their localism policy is not clear either. It looks like another Government knee jerk reaction to criticism. Another policy drawn up on the back of a fag packet. Good grief whatever next, potty I'd call it!

Monday, 21 March 2011



My street is again festooned with litter. Yet again I have put in a complaint to Erewash Council and yet again a temporary respite may result. I hope other residents will ring up the Town Hall and complain this is getting passed a joke.
I don't mind doing a bit of sweeping, that is only neighbourly, but I don't fancy doing the whole street! Come on Erewash get the sweepers out ASAP. As Eric Morecambe used to say "What do you think of it so far? Rubbish!"

Saturday, 19 March 2011



Erewash Councillor Brenda White is standing down in May to spend more time relaxing at home. A generous hearted lady with a fondness for baking, cricket, "the Goons" and a love of cats. 
Brenda has seen the ups and downs of politics and has remained staunch. A former Mayor of Erewash and long standing member of the Labour Party, Brenda will be missed on the Council.
Below are a few lines written by Brenda who writes poetry on a regular basis.


For a while,
there have been too many candles on my cake.
It's time to make the break
and spend more time with my cat.
I've seen them all come and go.
Inspired by aspiration, and vacuous ideas.
All wind and wonder that always ends in tears.
But the strong spine of solid principles
guides the rest on the journey into politics.
Who do their best and we know who they are.
Time to recycle all those reports, fill the green bags, then
into the shredder, never more to be seen.
I have realised that the toilet rolls I buy
are made from recycled paper.
Now there's a thought. A bargain bought.
I always knew I'd find a use for them.
I rest my case.


Just keep smiling Brenda.

Friday, 18 March 2011


After the sabre rattling comes the hardware. When will we ever learn. I understand the humanitarian arguments for helping the besieged population in Libya. But how many times have western countries jumped into a conflict for seemingly the best of reasons and then crept out with their tail between their legs.
The weaponry available to the world community today is awesome, with long distance cruise missiles and pinpoint accuracy bombing. In recent conflicts the media have  portrayed war almost as an arcade game. It's easy from the comfort of a living room, in front of an HD TV, to forget that the occupants of the tanks and personnel carriers soon to be left burning in the deserts of Libya are some mothers son or daughter.
Machiavelli recommended that war abroad brought peace at home. It should give people pause for thought that with so many troubles at home why pick a fight abroad? It's not as if there aren't plenty of other places where the same humanitarian arguments apply. Or is it that oil supplies are greasing the wheels of war? When war rolls it is usually downhill all the way. Peace be with you, eventually.

Thursday, 17 March 2011



The old Stanton Ironworks site could be the Engine Room of Erewash. Already it has some significant businesses present. I am very disappointed that Erewash Borough Council didn't make more effort in the boom years to bring jobs to the site. Although it could be that the Tories really do want to turn Erewash into a dormitory for Nottingham and Derby.

I would like to see Erewash more self sufficient in jobs. I would rather bring the jobs to the people than send the people to the jobs. The Stanton site could again be a core job provider in Erewash. It is so sad to see the vast area of undeveloped and underdeveloped land that was once Stanton Ironworks.
The Stanton redevelopment plan needs a thorough rethink. With a greater sense of urgency being put into attracting industry to the site. So far the Council has done little to make real progress. They seem more obsessed with their own internal affairs than what's happening outside the Town Hall.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011


At the last Erewash Full Council meeting I moved a proposal to oppose cuts to Derbyshire Police. It was blocked by the Conservative Group who for years have claimed to support law and order but are now scared to buck the Party line. For years some of these same people have claimed to want more Police. Now they had the chance to stand up for Erewash and they completely bottled it. Not one had the guts to speak out against the reduction in our Police.
These cuts are economic and social madness. Crime will rise and local people will pay the price. Instead of saving money these cuts will actually cost the public more.
The last Conservative Government had no answer to rising crime. Margaret Thatcher put it down to "evil people". Well that was helpful! Tony Blair hit the nail on the head with his promise to "cut crime and cut the causes of crime" and he kept his promise.
I don't remember this Government ever seeking a mandate to cut our Police. Someone show me anywhere in the LibDem or Tory propaganda where it ever suggested cuts to law and order. They have no mandate. These cuts make no sense. They are a betrayal of the public, the Police and will throw away the legacy of falling crime levels. Robert Peel must be spinning in his grave.

Sunday, 13 March 2011



No wonder many Ilkeston people are disillusioned with Tory Erewash's double standards. The site of the former Cotmanhay Community Centre, which is still owned by Erewash, is a right mess. The litter on the site is appalling. Where is the pride in Erewash? Certainly not at this site at the bottom of Skeavington Lane.


On the nearby hard surfaced play area is a dangerous pot hole, just another sign of a poor service to local folk. Where is the duty of care being exercised, not in Ilkeston North. It's about time the Council had an even handed attitude instead of treating Ilkeston folk as second class citizens.

Friday, 11 March 2011


Cllr Graham Chapman and Cllr Howard Griffiths

One of the most persistent complaints from residents in Erewash is the amount of dog droppings on footpaths. The most vociferous complaints come from Parents walking their youngsters to and from school and particularly people with pushchairs. I want to introduce Pooper Scooters into Erewash. The idea is a converted motorbike with a vacuum device which firstly sprays the offending dog mess and then removes it.  Pooper Scooters would enable a quick and mobile response to complaints of dog fouling.
The idea was one of many initiatives that were discussed at my recent meeting with Councillor Graham Chapman Deputy Leader of Nottingham City Council. We discussed how a Labour Erewash could make real improvements to our area within existing financial contraints.
Graham was proud of the way Nottingham had been transformed by the City Council. With the remodelled Old Market Square, the tram system and just as importantly, keeping the City clean. Now Nottingham looks more on a level with comparable European Cities. Nottingham shows how a dynamic local Council can make a real difference.

Thursday, 10 March 2011


The Nutbrook Trail, which runs between Long Eaton and Shipley Park, will be hit by Derbyshire funding cuts. The maintenance was carried out by an organisation called SUSTRANS on behalf of Derbyshire County Council. The £4,000 used by them to carry out routine maintenance has been cut from the DCC budget.
I rode up the trail the other day and was struck by the bad state of the Shipley Park end. The cycleway needs more repairs not less.
I believe we should be opening up more footpaths, cycle and bridleways, not running down the one we've already got. Not only is encouraging people off the roads good for health but it also helps local tourism. Another mindless cut from Derbyshire County Council.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


The fire which led to the death of Linda Parkes has been the subject of recent attention in the Derby Evening Telegraph. 

The responses from both Jessica Lee M.P. and Cllr Chris Corbett were predictable. The M.P.'s response was we may need another Law. The Councillor's response was we may need another meeting. The Department for Communities and Local Government quickly responded that Local Authorities already had the powers to "take appropriate action" if homes are "found to contain serious hazards." Perhaps if Jessica Lee had contacted the DCLG directly she would have been able to speak with more authority on the subject. It's not new laws we need, it's money and the will to enforce the ones we've already got.
Cllr Corbett seems to have been waiting a long time for his urgent report and has prematurely come to the conclusion that a meeting was the answer to the problem of accumulated rubbish at a residential property.  However Erewash already have a Community Safety Partnership where matters such as this case could have been discussed. We don't need another set of meetings, we just need the present set up to work more effectively.
In the Linda Parkes case some facts have emerged. A complaint about accumulated rubbish around the front door was made to Erewash on the 20th August 2010 by a Police Officer. A Council official called at the premises and talked to the occupier. No action resulted and so a formal notice was served to secure the removal of the rubbish. This also had no effect. The question that may come to mind is, should it have taken as long as six months for a Council to take action on a complaint about rubbish blocking a front door? In fact it seems that in this case Erewash took no effective action at all!


Sunday, 6 March 2011


I loved the event that took place at Borrowash Methodist Church on the19th February. The local Labour Party held a community consultation event around a local shopping survey. Despite the rain tumbling down lots of local people popped in to view the presentation and share their views about the Village.

A good bakery shop was a favourite with many people with "Birds" their prefered brand. Many people felt they would like a Village Hall in the centre of Borrowash. A significant number wanted a gym/sports facility in the Village. More cash machines were mentioned by over 16% of respondents. My favourite idea was a Farmers Market which I think is really worth a try. Hopefully we can feed the survey results into the right quarters and get some positive action on the many issues raised by local folk.
Local residents Helen Clark and Phillip Whitt did fine work in collating the results and a proffessional job on the written report. Well done Ockbrook and Borrowash Labour Party.

Saturday, 5 March 2011


Father Simon Ellis of St Laurence's, Long Eaton, has let it be known he will be joining the Catholic faith. Several clerics have left the Church of England over various issues such as the Ordination of women and the Ordination of openly gay priests. Exactly why Father Ellis is moving on is not clear. However I wish him well and hope he succeeds in his future endeavours.
Thinking about religion I am reminded of a friend of mine who when in hospital for a serious operation, was asked what her religion was, she said "none." The nurse said "I'll put you down as Church of England dear." Hmmmm....

Friday, 4 March 2011


Dr David Scott,Phillipa Tatham,Clare Neill and Charlie Sarell
Erewash Labour Party held it's Annual General Meeting at The Memorial Hall in Sandiacre tonight, Friday 4th March. Charlie Sarell stepped down as Chair to take over the Secretaries role and Clare Neill was elected Chair of the Constituency with Dr David Scott remaining the Constituency Treasurer. Phillipa Tatham is the new Youth Officer.
Clare Neill said, "Following the By Election result in Barnsley members were even more determined to win back Erewash for Labour. The Coalitions cuts are unfair, too deep and threaten to choke off economic recovery. The Barnsley result shows that people are angry with the Government because of broken promises, unfair cuts and half baked policies. The up and coming local Elections will give people an opportunity to send a clear message to Cameron and Clegg that their policies are deeply unpopular and totally misguided."

Tuesday, 1 March 2011


Erewash Conservatives, who love cutting Borough Services, have pumped millions of pounds into Parish Councils for the last eight years. It is purely coincidental that many of them are also Parish Councillors. Whilst us urban folk have to pay through the nose for Town Centre car parking, pay for a recycling bin, fore-go a visit to the Leisure Centre on Bank Holidays, manage without free dog bags, manage without public toilets, Parish Councils have had a purple patch at our expense. I wouldn't mind it so much if the same people hadn't been against Town Councils for Ilkeston and Long Eaton. Whilst their own Government is trumpeting "localism" two hatted Erewash Councillors (or should that be two faced?) are stopping Ilkeston and Long Eaton folk from even having a vote on the issue!